On Christianity

Introduction on Christianity:-

Christianity is a monotheistic religious belief centered on the life and commandments of Jesus of Nazareth as introduced in the New testament . His disciples, recognized as Christians,consider that Jesus is the son of God and the Messiah (Christ). Christians Jesus Christ is the revealer of God and most especially the liberator of mankind . Jesus will come back to judge the living and the dead awarding eternal life to his disciples.

Philosophy of Christianity:-

The philosophy of Christianity is way of life . it involves the reason for human life , why life was created and sustained by God and nourished by His spirit and lastly, to where our human life is destined to lead us in the future.

Basic Philosophy of Christianity:-
                    Christian doctrine is a term to describe the fusion of various fields of doctrine with the ethological philosophies of Christianity. Christian doctrine originated during the middle ages as medieval theologians attempted to demonstrate to the religious authorities that Greek doctrine and christian belief were, in fact, compatible methods for arriving at Godly truth.

The ten commandments of Christianity:-

1.I am Yahweh , your God ; you shall not have any other before me.
2. You shall not take the name of the lord your God in Vain.
3. To keep holy the Lord's day you remember
4.Honour your father and mother.
5.You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not still.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
9. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's good.

The Bible:-

* Bible is a holy book of Christians. The account of revelation is contained in the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of documents , including history,legends , poetry, letters,and prediction.The first portion of the Bible is called the "Old Testament" which speaks about God's relationship with Israel people. The second portion is called the New Testament which contains Jesus life and commandments, narrative and letters from Jesus' disciples.

Concept of God:-

● In Christianity, the supreme creator and Sovereign of the universe. The Christians religious belief is that there is only one God.

● The true Nature of God is beyond human experience and understanding. Christians consider God is boundless ,all powerful Holy and perfect.

● The Christian idea of God is shown in the notion of the Trinity . God is one , but with three aspects ; God the Father , the Creator , Sovereign and Sustained of all life, God is son, who is Jesus , the holy spirit, who is God working in the world.

● God the Father is not all a separate God from God the son and the holy spirit , the other Godly persons.They describe these persons as a Trinity . This means that they always exist as three different persons but they are one God himself (single substances), a single "Godly Nature" and power , and a single "Godly Will".

●The Everlasting Triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, son and Holy spirit with different personal attributes , but without division of nature , essence , or being. As per Christianity, God is the Alpha and Omega, the starting and the end of all existence.

Educational objectives and Values enable the whole Child:-
A.Spiritually, in that child is provided instruction, opportunity,and modeling in:
•loving God
•loving his neighbour.
•developing a prayer life.
•rightly dividing the word of good .
•reasoning from the principles of God's word to all of life.
•Identify with people.

B. Academically, in that child is provided instruction,opportunity,and modelling so as to:-
•think critically from causes to effect.
• study effectively and to be fit for usefulness in his future..
•understanding world cultures and exhibit knowledge of technology.
•to be equipped with a well rounded , liberal arts education.

C. Socially, in that each child is provided instruction, opportunity and modelling so as to promote:-
•The fruit of the Spirit and modesty.
• diplomacy in dealing with others and civility and good manners.
•A giving heart and respectfulness, compassion, and helpfulness towards each other. Global awareness in view of the world.
• Honoring of father and mother and others in the authority.and a good citizenship.

D. Physically, in that each child is provided instruction opportunity and so as to:-
• maintain a health and fit body.
•treat his body as temple of the Holy Spirit.
•Be well groomed and modest in presentation.
• Disciplined in healthy life - habits.


•Christian education has the unique capacity to assist parents in their God given mandate to Raise their children up in the nature and admonition of the lord.

•This education takes place in the context of a biblical philosophy and a Christ-centered curriculum by loving and mature Christians teachers who ministers to the whole Child using Christ- Honouring and effective methods.


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