Less cash Society Vs Cashless society

Today we know about Less Cash Society Vs Cashless Society.

                         Less cash Society


We live in big democratic country which is the second largest country in population . India has not good percentage in Literarcy Rate 64.8% (male Literarcy Rate 75.3% and female Literarcy is 53.7%) as well as in 22% Indian live below poverty line. And 600 million people has no bank account. Many people have no idea about Cashless Society . But our prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun to take the idea of demonetisation to far. The idea of a Cashless Society, rather than one just less dependent upon cash free us from the rigid imposition of the law and I take it to be a basic idea of the good Society, that there be the law , but that there be if not a blindness . A country in which every desire of the bureaucracy is being imposed upon the populace would not be good

A fully Cashless Society  would mean the end of privacy . Government watch on our privacy through our digital transaction or purchase. Suppose if you buy a prone magazine or you purchase AIDS medicine or go in bear bar this information can be accessed by the government or any hacker with the requisite skills and can be used against you. Our security system can not very strong. Now a days we read in magazine or newspaper hackers break our security system and steels a lots of money.  

Few days before one event with Indian in SBI account hacking by hackers . So we called that our privacy laws, and data protection is also a big worry. A fully Cashless Society could mean the end of dissent therefore 100% Cashless Society is never possible but we can make a start with lesscash Society.

In modern age the youth has a important role to play for a Cashless Society. PM Shri Narendra Modi said that our mother or father or elder brother at home may not know about these things . Where people use such electronic gadgets for their convenience then that is just fine of course . I am a liberal , after all what people want to do is what people get to do . I think history shows as that any power will be abused by at least someone at sometime.

Cash is empowerment:- 
 ask the young wife who save spare cash from her alcoholic husband, gambling husband or old women save cash for health treatment . In Germany a country which knows the perils of authoritarianism more than 80% of transaction are in cash as citizen safeguard their privacy and freedom . Even in the US 45% of transaction are in cash. 
Please not that GERMANY and US actually have the banking and technology system is better than Indian banking system.

Conclusion- in the end I am approaching that most common of all economic answer : it depends India was where that use of cash was leading to the large of people regarding the system as unfairly biased . 


  1. The government instead of squeezing the public should show results with alternate methods of fund generation.
    What hype and fund wastage on election campaigns and is not taxed.


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