Know about the computer Virus

Today we all know about the computer virus is harmful for our let's us know about what is virus, classification,and some popular virus.

Virus:- virus is basically a small program . But the difference the virus and any other program is that a virus manipulate and corrupts, information simultaneously replicating itself. Viruses are like their organic counterparts . All viruses are parasites that invade the body or a machine and attach themselves to cell or a program. A computer virus is a software code that replicates itself. Most virus work silently making sure that the user is unaware of the infection . It spreads from program to program and from disk to disk . Manipulating and damaging valuable data. The major causes for concern is spreading and damaging nature of virus.
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          Viruses have infected practically each and every computer.they are not as widespread as the news media may lead us to believe but they are very real nonetheless.
Every computer user is susceptible to attacks by computer virus and using a network increases our vulnerability. Virus do not just are computer program that are created by malicious programmers . What makes a virus is it's capability to make copies of itself that can be spread to other computer..

Classification of viruses:
                                          Viruses can be classifieds on the basis of their mode of existence and according to this criterion.
There are three categories of viruses:-
●Boot infectors
●System infectors
●General executable program infector.

Some popular viruses:
● scross virus:- these virus are prevalent in Macintosh computer. Scross virus have a built in time trigger that activates after two four and seven days from the data. When the disk become infected . The consequences are varied ranging from printing problems and system crashes to malfunctioning disk operation. This virus does not directly affect data files but detection of this virus requires detection of all files.

● Brain virus :- this is one of the first viruses that come into existence. Also known as the Pakistani virus , it was developed by Pakistani brothers to keep track of two cost software that were sold out of their outlet in Lahore. The virus pos up a screen saying Welcome to the dungeon. This virus is known to destroy data and is highly contagious.

● Lehigh virus:- this virus originated at the Lehigh university computer center. The virus stays in the stock space of COMMAND.COM. when the pc is booted from an infected disk the virus is spread through commands such as COPY,DIR,TYPE,etc on any other disk with command .Com the virus code get copies to another disk and a counter is incremented on the parent when the counter reaches a value of 4, all files of the disk gets erased.

Tips of virus detection:-
Virus detection can occur by observing how the system responds
● programs used daily are beginning to run more slowly.
● disk access appears ill fined or more frequent than normal
● program load time increase not just at peak usage times
● the microcomputer locks up .Normal lockup is incompatibility.
● Hardware and software problems appear after something new is added to the system.

Protection against virus:-

● A computer of measure are available for reducing the risk of being attacked by computer virus these are as follows.
●Build employee awareness about the risk.
● Do not allow the usage of outside program for company pc are networks.
● Do not interface company network with outside bulletin boards.

New viruses
•W32/My life.c@MM

Latest viruses
•Backdoor -AJB
•Backdoor -AJM

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