Food is necessary for our life

Food is necessary for our life. Food is important for our health .  

Food :- Food usually comes from animals or plants . It is eaten by living things to provide energy and nutrition. 
                          Food contains the nutrition that people and animals need to be healthy . The consumption of food is enjoyable to humans it contains proteins , fat , carbohydrates , Vitamins and minerals liquids used for energy and nutrition are often . That is drinks if someone can not afford food they go hungred.

Basic foods consumed by humans----
●Plant source:- many type of food produce in plant source that is fruit vegetable grains , seeds,legumes(beans , peas etc),herbs spices.

●Animal Source:- Many type of food produce in animal source that is meat sea food egg ,dairy products like milk butter etc.
          Food produced by farmers or gardeners can be changed by industrial processes, processed food usually contains several natural ingredients and food additives. 
                         At homes,food is prepared in the kitchen, by the cook. The cook sometimes uses a cook book.ex- for cooking utensils are pressure cookers pets and frying pans  food can also be prepared and served in restaurant or refectory . 
                  The utensils used may be a plate , knife fork, chopsticks,spoon , bowl or spork many people do not grow their own food . They have to buy food that was grown by some one else , people by most of their food in shops or markets but some people still grow most or all of their own food people may buy food and taken it home to cook it . They may buy food that is ready to eat from a street vendor or a resturant.

Food related issues:-
                                     People do not have enough food we say they are hungry. If they do not eat enough food for a long time , they will become sick and die from starvation in areas where many people do not have enough food we say that there is famine there. Food and water can make people sick if it is contained by micro-organisms bed metals , or chemicals.If people do not eat the right foods they can becomes sick if people eat too much food, they can become over weight . This is also bad for people's health.

The benefits of foods:-
                                                                                     The common foods we look to eat most of us will pick something sweet salty or sour . Few people will say that they enjoy the betterness of some veggies.But there are many reasons to eat better foods . These products are rich in nutrients that can give the strength our body.

● Natural energy:- 
                                   A lot of better flavored products are popular for their energy effect . One of the example Cacao bean . It is a seed . This healthful food has iron and magnesium that can help reduce fight stress and improve our focus. Total carbohydrates is present in Cacao bean is 58g and proteins is 20g.

● Our liver supports:-
                                                    One of the most valuable reasons to eat better foods is to help our liver . The body organ has many function such as breaking down drugs and converts macronutrients into energy . A healthy liver is capable of removing harmful substances . We can also help our liver to functions more efficiently by adding better food . The best foods for our liver are :- garlic,beets,green leaf vegetable,apples,lemon,carrot,cabbage, turmeric,Olive oil,etc and also drink milk.

Free radicals:-
                             The most important benefits of better foods are due to their power antioxidants that can fight free radicals . Antioxidants levels in the body are lower than those of free radicals due to factors like poor nutrition or lots of incoming toxins the immune system is overloaded and aging occurs more rapidly . Free radicals are the natural byproducts of chemical processes , such as metabolism . The free radicals chain reaction may load to broken cell membrane which can alter what enters and exits the cell. Free radicals are also associated with aging . The foods for free radicals are:- Cacao , green tea , water melon , spinach etc.

● Reduce food crave:-
                                        A lot of people crave sugary products . Our bodies may sometimes consider the better in foods as a sign of poisoning or toxicity . Eating sugary foods and even salt increase the production of endorphins in your body . Endorphins are basically that make us feel relaxed.

● Healthy food eat:-
Some reason to eat Healthy food:- 
Goods for your muscles
Good source of energy
Easy to control body weight

Some food we should eat everyday
Garlic Tomato spinach cucumber peppers etc.

Healthy food is important for our energy healthy and daily life. 

Eat healthy food and enjoy our life. Thank you so much .


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